Orange denies reports of paid actors lining up to buy iPhone's

Orange has shot back against media reports claiming that the Paid Actors were lined up by them to buy iPhone 3G’s (to create a fake hype / demand). As my view, it isĀ  a little hard to believe that Orange Poland had hired John Does to form fake queues in front of Orange stores in an attempt to drum-up interest in the iPhone 3G.

Now that can be a PR disaster for Orange, but here are the official words…

“As part of the excitement around the launch of the iPhone, some of our team have been joining customers outside our shops. Their aim is to welcome people to the Orange shop…”
Apple iPhone has had people lining up across the world to buy the first pieces off the Apple Store. The media perhaps measures the success of the launch by gauging the among of people lining outside the stores to buy it. The France Telecom Group spokesperson also claimed that the Apple iPhone 3G sales were strong, and they were happy with it.