'CopierciN' Copy Paste App / Software for the iPhone: Via CYDIA


CopierciN V0.1 (beta)Built and tested on iPhone firmware 2.0.1 (Alternative to Wetool for firmware version 2.0). Tested by us on 2.0.2 successfully.

Want to Copy Paste Text on the iPhone? Here is a Kewl new App Via Cydia that brings Copy Paste functionality to your iPhone 2.x! CopierciN allows you to copy selected text from any SMS / Notes / eMails / Regular Files. The copied text can then be planted in a new SMS, Note, email or file.

The official description of the CopierciN Copy paste Software reads “By GomerciN 2008, CopierciN is a text editor which makes it possible to exchange text between messages, eMails, Notes and files. More Info on http://copiercin.gomercin.net for more info”

UPDATE: We have been using CopierCIN since some time now. A small problem is that whenever we export something the HTML <br> code gets copied aswell. But it solves the problem of sms forwarding on the iPhone 2.0. SO cheers!

Video Update: The Video demo of CopiercIN is now live here

UPDATE: CopiercIN version has been updated. Now you can export object to Safari aswell!

Updated CopiercIN Screenshot

Cydia is an Installer alternative, that Installs on Jailbroken iPhone 2.x… Info here