'Call Clear' cracked by Xsellize, goes free

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Single Log deletion has been one feature that hasn’t made to the iPhone since the beginning and Apple continues to deny it to the iPhone users.

Though there are third-party apps like MobileLog and CallClear available via Cydia/Icy, they are paid and costs up to 6-7 $. But the good news is that the Xsellize repository has cracked the CallClear app and now its available for free on Cydia. But for that you need to add Xsellize repository on Cydia.

Call Clear offers many features to the iPhone including single log deletion, call duration, time etc. It also classifies the calls in Four categories All ,Outgoing, Incoming and Missed making it easy for users to use the app.

This crack now allows iPhone users on firmware 3.0 to use these features for free. However, the people won’t enjoy updates to this app as its cracked. So make your choice.