Apple working to get more discoverability in AppStore for developers

app wall lostThe iTunes Appstore recently celebrated its 1st birthday with 1.5 billion app downloads and 65000 apps live on the store. A great milestone for Apple and iPhone developers, this is also the cause of worry for Apple and its developers. Apparently majority of the iPhone developers are suffering from a problem of discoverability. Users are lost inside the appstores 65000 strong list. Top Selling / Top Apps is not a great tool for all the 100000 developers to rely on. During the Q3 earnings call, Apple COO Tim Cook acknowledged this issue and said that, Apple has some ideas to resolve this and we can expect something soon.

Apple’s AppStore success has come with its own challenges. In the past, Apple has had trouble settling the payments to developers, reviews on AppStore and the recent issue that we highlighted about Apps names and descriptions being stuffed to stuff tones of keywords.