MusicBar: Cool tweak to control music from anywhere.

MusicBar_lockscreen MusicBar_App

MusicBar lets you change a song or play/pause a song. You might be thinking so whats so unusual about it? Well with MusicBar you can operate those functions from anywhere, you don’t need to quit an app to change a track. All you need to do is to tap on top left corner (just where it shows Carrier name) of your springboard, and you will see a new status bar with music controls on it. Before installing this, I was thinking that whether it will work with SBSettings or not, but it worked fine. It even works when your springboard is locked. Since, this is a tweak you won’t see any icons or toggles on your springboard.

The only problem I faced with Music Bar is that I find it hard to launch it sometimes, I mean it is not as responsive and sensitive as SBSettings which needs to be fixed soon. Once launched I didn’t face any issues with controlling music.

MusicBar is available on cydia under iSpazio repo for free.
MusicBar_Sprinboard MusicBar