Cydia App BossPrefs on iPad Reviewed

We checked out the BossPrefs Cydia App on our iPad and I have to say that I was not much impressed with it. There are better Cydia App which are a good replacement for BossPrefs.

The app has a bunch of toggle switches which can be switched on/off as per your preferences. A very good thing about the app is that it lets you add other service apps to its dock so that the springboard looks clean. Other features include enabling and disabling numeric battery and Apple App Killswitch. The toggle switches include options for Bluetooth, Edge, Fast Notes, Phone, Location, etc.

However, I prefer the SBSettings over BossPrefs as it is less buggy and has some really nice features. I also came across a really irritating thing while using BossPrefs as whenever I ran the application my iPad used to reboot on its own. I was not able to figure out the reason behind it but other than this it works totally fine. There isn’t a lot to talk about the app as it just provides you with all the basic features. If asked, I would suggest SBSettings rather than BossPrefs.

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