GriP, Growl-like notifications on your Apple iPad

We check it out the Cydia app Grip on our Apple iPad and it does a really sweet job. GriP is a notification tool released via Cydia and very similar to the famous Growl notification system.

It provides a really nice push notification based interface which is much easier to read, more eye-catching and a better alternative to pop-ups. Notifications are shown in the top-right section of the springboard and it hard takes up any space.

It is also very easy to configure, you access it via the Settings app and modify the position of the notifications, you can also change the theme choose the colors to apply on different alerts, change the time an alert is displayed and also have a preview of how an alert will look.

Once an alert appears on the springboard you can directly go to the app or close it by tapping on ‘x’. I have been using this app for some time now and the best thing I have felt is that it is not at all annoying. It is a really smart alternative to many other notification apps.
Also Works on iPhone and iPod Touch.
Repository / Source: iSpazio (