Auto ShutDown: Cydia app Review

There are so many tweaks available on cydia, One of’em is Auto Shutdown. This tweak adds a timer, so that you can set timer to reboot, poweroff and stop iPod. I really don’t understand the use of setting a timer to reboot or shutdown. Why’d anyone wait for a timer to reboot or shut down the device ???? The only thing I find worth about this tweak is iPod timer i.e. when the timer expires it just stops playing music app and locks the screen if it is not locked. Once you set a timer, you’ve to activate it, to do so you need to hold power button then you will extra Slider, Slide to Start Timer. As soon as you activate the timer you will see an alert that it will do that action (reboot or shutdown or turnoff music) and before  performing that action it will again pop an alert (10 seconds before) that it is going to trigger that action, Ofcourse you can cancel that action, if you don’t like alerts popping then you can disable these alerts. You can also add Settings slider, once launced it will launch Settings app.
Like I said that only the plus point of this app is iPod sleep timer and if you are looking for this feature then you can go for this.. as other features are useless,
Auto Shutdown is available on BigBoss repo for $1.49