Devteam releases 'ultrasn0w 0.93' which works on iOS 4.0 with 05:13:04 baseband

Update Another update to Ultrasn0w is out. This unlocks the iPhone 4 as well as 3G/3GS basebands 04.26.08, 05.11.07, 05.12.01 and 05.13.04.

Devteam rocks !!! They’ve released the unlock tool ‘ultrasn0w 0.93′ for iOS 4.0 which works on baseband 04.26.08 through 05.13.04 (that means all Basebands right from iPhone OS 3.0 till date, 5.12.01 included). This version of ultrasn0w will unlock all iPhone’s running iOS 4.0. People who had accidentally updated their iPhone’s to 3.1.3 OS and locked their device they can update to iOS 4.o and can unlock their device, Though deveteam have not mentioned about jailbreak tool, so it would be better if we wait for sometime till they come up with their new version of redsn0w.

I’m sure that devteam will be releasing the final version of redsn0w which will  jailbreak iDevices running with iOS 4.o. We’ll keep you posted on this.
To install ultrasn0w you need add this repo:

Note the ‘0’ in this URL is actually a digit zero “0”. And not the letter ‘0’.
Update: How to Jailbreak + unlock iPhone 3G running OS 4.0