iOS 5 JailBreak May Bring More Widgets To iDevices in Future

With the release of iOS  5 beta 1 JailBreak today, the possibilities in the final version of iOS 5 have started emerging rapidly. One of them is the widgets in iDevices. Apple unveiled the notification center in WWDC keynote but included only weather and clock widget in it. Will Homer, iOS developer has already developed an example of a widget which can be easily integrated with other gadgets after the JailBreak. Those API calls which Apple doesn’t allow can be implemented through other ways. 

According to Will Homer, the idea is very simple. You need to create a class that implements the BBWeeAppController protocol. The function that is required is ‘- (UIView *)view’ in which you must return the view that you desire to appear. However, there are other methods in the protocol for launching URLs when tapped and for rotation detection, view height, etc.

You can check out the ‘Hello World’ in the screenshot which has been created as a GitHub project. Now, developer can use the same feature and take this to another level. People may expect some of the fantastic and amazing widgets in the near future.

Picture courtesy : 9to5Mac