Upcoming Redsn0w Would Help Jailbreakers Running iOS 5.0+

While Redsn0w 0.9.9b8 is doing the trick for us at the moment, future iOS updates also hold uncertainty. MuscleNerd has recently announced on twitter that the upcoming version of Redsn0w will have the capability to restore on 5.0+ or lower firmware. He also included that those who want to downgrade, if necessary for the JailBreak in future must save their SHSH Blobs using TinyUmbrella. It seems that iFaith has brought some faith into Redsn0w. 

Jailbreak with redsn0w and shsh blobs

TinyUmbrella, currently saves the SHSH Blobs for iOS 5.0.1 but doesn’t allow you to restore on the respective firmware if any newer version is available. Redsn0w has been previously updated with features such as the ability to save SHSH blobs, create custom firmware etc.

Todays news confirms that next version of Redsn0w would help TU / Cydia save Blobs and APTicket, allowing one to downgrade if they update to a future release of iOS 50.x. Musclenerd also confirmed that the next version of redsnow would work on both Mac and Windows.

We hope that redsn0w for iPhone 4S and iOS 5 progresses, enough to give us untethered jailbreaks. And of course the wait for a unlock solution is always on. Will ultrasn0w get an update soon enough?