HTC Apple Patent Dispute to be Reviewed by ITC

The patent battle in the tech industry has risen to epic proportions with the battle between Apple and Samsung in the spotlight for the past few months as they have virtually taken the battle to numerous countries around the globe.

As we approach the fag end of the year 2012, the patent battles refuse to die down with the United States International Trade Commission recently announcing that it would be reviewing the decision made by a judge in a recent patent lawsuit filed by HTC against Apple.

The ITC judge had cleared Apple of not violating any of the four HTC patents which were mostly related to phone dialing and power management. This announcement by the ITC comes roughly before the decision on a case wherein Apple has sued HTC for violating several of its patents.

Apple is seeking an injunction which would ban the sales of all those HTC handsets which infringe upon the Apple patents in question in the US. The ruling on the case is expected on Monday by the ITC.