Apple January Event Aimed At University & Education?

History to be told, Steve Jobs had been continuously involved in improving education in Universities with the help of Personal Computers. But with the evolution of tablets and smartphone, it has certainly become an easy task to carry stuff around. Due to which Apple’s January event could be aimed at Universities and Education. It is also assumed that Steve, for the last time, contributed in the project.

According to co-host of Fox and Friend Weekend, he was already aware of the event in September when it was scheduled for the late fall. Later on, it was postponed till January. Morris said that the event would happen in New York rather than Silicon Valley due to the fact that it is targeted at publishing industry and text books.

Some other sources has already told us that the event would not be huge, but cover a very important aspect which would continue in the future. Morris also believes that there would be two announcements related to Apple in education. However, it is also expected that Eddy Cue, SVP of Apple’s Internet Software and Services would talk about iAd, App Store, iTunes Store and iBooksStore at the same time.

We will let you know when more details would come in. What do you think about it?