iMessage Beta For Mac Lets You Send Any File To Your iPhone, iPod touch or iPad [Video]

After the developer preview of Mountain Lion, the next operating system from Apple, the company released an iMessage beta for the users to try on their existing Mac OS X Lion. However, your Mac should be on the latest version, that is, 10.7.3 if you are tempted to install it at the moment. According to iPhoneil, iMessage for Mac OS X has unveiled a feature to send any files to iOS devices using this service.[youtube]YhENtt0_zhM[/youtube]

Unfortunately, this feature is still pending to hit iOS devices. Except photo, location and contact, you can’t send anything else from one iOS device to another. May be, this could be a hint towards the fact that Apple would also port them into iOS 5.1. On the contrary, Apple could kill these features of iMessage beta in Mac OS X once they take a note about the violation of their policies.

Generally, Apple never allow option of file sharing in between devices. It can be illustrated with the help of the absence of bluetooth file sharing in any of the iOS devices. On the other hand, it happens in case of Mac OS X. You can freely exchange anything from any device using the built in bluetooth system in iMacs or MacBooks.

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