Apple is No More Signing iOS 5.0.1 For A5 & Non-A5 Devices

When we have a tethered JailBreak for non-A5 devices, people who have updated to iOS 5.1 accidentally don’t need to worry a lot. They can still save themselves from being non-JailBroken. Whereas, if you are one of the users who own an A5 device and looking forward for a JailBreak after the update, this might be disappointing for you. Apparently, Apple has stopped signing iOS 5.0.1 for both A5 & non-A5 devices. 

Although we have a method to save SHSH Blobs, but there’s certainly not a way to use them at them moment. However, we have been hearing from the hackers that a method would be released soon. Though, we haven’t seen anything related to it yet. It is also assumed that @i0n1c, the iOS hacker, who early found exploits for the untethered JailBreak has something reserved for the latest firmware. Due to the fact that nothing has come out from anyone officially, we would consider it untrue.

So, if any of you had saved SHSH Blobs in the past, you could be lucky enough to downgrade in future. Otherwise, wait for iOS hackers to come up with an exploit for iOS 5.1. You can save SHSH Blobs/APTickets using either Redsn0w or TinyUmbrella. Let’s know what do you think about it in the comment section.