Siri in iOS 5.1 Brings Yelp Integration

Although you can’t search for places in India using Siri yet, there’s a good news for people in United States and various other countries. With the release of iOS 5.1, Siri has brought Yelp integration. Now, when you ask Siri about the nearby restaurants, it come up with a certain list. Tapping on the ratings would take you directly to the Yelp application on iPhone 4S.


Once you are in the Yelp app on an iOS device, checkout the Highlights, tips, ratings, reviews, phone numbers, photos, address etc. Same thing has been demonstrated in the embedded video where you can see how Apple has integrated Yelp support in iOS 5.1. However, Apple didn’t utter a word about it on the release date. Instead, it told people about the support for more languages such as French and Japanese.

This Yelp integration would definitely help people to discover more about the places they have been looking for. We are expecting a whole lot of more features in upcoming days like the ability to tweet using Siri, accessing the brightness in settings and  so on. Also, support of places for other countries where the feature fails completely. Did you notice about it yet? Let’s know your thoughts in comment section.