Apple TV Dream Concept [Images]

Since long, Apple had been rumoured to make an Apple Television which would change the face of TV industry. Apple had undoubtedly brought a touch screen revolution to smartphone with its no-stylus strategy. And then the era of tablets which is assumed to begin when iPad made a debut couple of years ago. These are some of the dreamed images from a Verge forum by a user who posted them on the site and showed his ideas for the interface of Apple TV.

Apple’s CEO Tim Cook had cleared many times that they don’t have any plans for a Television as of now. But analysts all around the world have never failed to predict one from Apple. Due to which it has made many believe that Apple would definitely revolutionise the Television from next year. Also, according to Apple, Apple TV is merely a hobby for them, not a focused business plans like an iPhone, iPods or iPad.

I won’t be surprised if Apple ever comes up with its own way to make a Television. Nevertheless, if  you checkout the images, you would realise that the reader believes that it would have pre-installed iOS version with an App Store. Similar to other iOS devices, users would be able to install apps, make FaceTimes calls and infact, connect all of their iOS devices to send/receive the content from Apple TV. Almost every feature which you expect from an Apple product would supposedly be available except an ability to make calls or to receive them.

What do you say? Is this what you dream of for an Apple TV?