Evasi0n JailBreaking Tool is in Final Testing And Preparation, Release is Expected Anytime Now!

The time has come which you all have been waiting for. The status for the development of evasi0n JailBreak tool for iOS 6.1 untethered JailBreak is now 94%. As per the website, they are now in final testing for the different firmware combinations and JailBreak tool called ‘evasi0n’ for Mac OS X, Windows and Linux. Once they are completed with the testing and preparation, the next step is to release the JailBreak.


A day before the progress bar progressed very slowly, with an increment of just 5% everyday. But now, it seems that they want to live up to their ETA to release the JailBreak on a Super Bowl Sunday. It’s expected that the JailBreak would hit anytime now. This is the time when all those who have been waiting for this JailBreak should update their devices on latest firmware, iOS 6.1. However, the JailBreak would support all firmware starting from iOS 6.0 through iOS 6.1, but it’s advised to JailBreak on the latest one.

Also, you can save SHSH Blobs using either iFaith v1.5 or TinyUmbrella, so you don’t lose the ability to downgrade or restore back to iOS 6.1 even if Apple seeds another firmware. Let’s know if you are excited in the comment section below.

Update: The progress bar is now reached to 96%. It looks like we are hours away from the release.

Update 1: The progress bar is increased a bit to 97%. Are you ready?

Update 2: 98% at the moment. Stay tuned! 

Update 3: 99% of the work is done. Time for the release of iOS 6.1 untethered JailBreak.