Apple Has Fixed A Part Of Exploits To Fix Evasi0n JailBreak in iOS 6.1.3

It has happened in the past and it would continue to happen in the future. iOS hackers would continue to find bugs in iOS and Apple would keep them fixing over time. History to be told, there’s not a single bug which iOS Hackers found out to develop a JailBreak, and it still exists. Nevertheless, it also helps them to fix bugs in the form of security fixes.


In an article from Forbes, iOS Hacker, Wang told that Apple has fixed a part which led to the development of Evasi0n tool for iOS 6.x JailBreak. Precisely, Apple’s beta testing on a fix which could completely close the loophole to JailBreak iDevices. Since Apple hasn’t fixed every bug, there’s a probability that Evad3rs would find out another bug to use it as an alternative and keep iOS 6.x JailBreak alive even in iOS 6.1.3. But Wang hasn’t tested if Apple has fixed all bugs which they have in their pocket until now.

If they don’t fix all of those bugs which are not so important and were saved by iOS hackers for future JailBreaks, we could expect a JailBreak for iOS 6.1.3 as well. However, if everything is fixed, iOS hackers might need to start fresh yet again. We hope they have tons of them which Apple hasn’t yet fixed, so we could see a JailBreak in future iOS versions too.

Before Apple releases iOS 6.1.3 for public, you could JailBreak iOS 6.1.2 using evasi0n 1.5. Let’s know what do you think in comment section below.