Google Glass Plans To Be Your Dance Partner

Google just took technological creativity to another level with a new patent which aims to provide you with the right dance moves whenever you’re in the need for them. The patent makes use of Google Glass for this service and comes at a time when many doubts have surfaced about the feasibility of the Google Glass. The new use of technology has been inspired from various dance games which require the player to perform certain moves to gain points.
Google Glass Dance
This patent however is not concerned with any virtual games. It aims to assist the user in real life surroundings by continuously scanning and analyzing music and then suggesting appropriate dance moves. The content identification module on the Google Glass will grant data regarding a media sample like a song or a dance to the wearable computing system. This system will then determine dance steps suited for the active content in order to display them on the HMD (head mounted display) for the user. Users will also be able to see other characters perform the same moves to better understand the moves.
With the new patent, Google Glass has gained a fresh perspective and Google will aim to incorporate more features in the next iteration of Google Glass. Until recently, the Google Glass was being sold to interested developers for a price tag of $1500, but it cannot be purchased right now. With measures like this, the Google Glass is gearing up to be an interesting accessory for the future.