Rumor rumor, another rumor. Sometimes I feel the site should have been ‘iPhone-help-and-rumors’ (or probably ‘iPhone-rumors-and-help’). Anyways, here it is…
The only reason probably all Blackberry and Treo fans (like me) would not prefer an iPhone is the Keyboard! Yes, the somewhat innovative onscreen keyboard of the Apple iPhone fails to attract business users. The feel of a real QWERTY with buttons is phenomenal. So hear the latest rumors from Cupertino suggest that Apple is working on a Slide Out keyboard for the iPhone (somewhat like the k-Jam may be).
So is Apple working on anything like this? Yes, it has to be 100% true, may be not a slideout, but surely a QWERTY. They are certainly developing new iPhones at the moment!
Will we see them this year? Hell, No! Apple won’t at any cost let loose any info about future iPhones, until its sales targets for the iPhone 3G is achieved. But as mentioned earlier by me, Apple Will Target The Entire Handheld Market. Expect the unexpected. You will see a QWERTY, a unpretentious bar type iPhone, and probably even a girlish clamshell
Via Gizmodo