Jobs confirms App kill switch in iPhone, talks Appstore sales!

We already know that Apple takes the iPhone Applications security v seriously. And none other than Apple CEO Steve Jobs himself has confirmed the much talked about”Application kill Switch” in the iPhone.

So what is this Kill Switch? Well sometime back an iPhone hacker revealed that the iPhone remotely calls Apple’s servers to allow them to disable applications running on the device. Well this was certainly not taken lightly by the community putting another ! On Apple’s closed attitude. But the man himself, Steve Jobs has Justified the Kill switch as it helps keep a check on  malicious Softwares.
“Hopefully we never have to pull that lever, but we would be irresponsible not to have a lever like that to pull.”
Steve Jobs also spoke about the sales of Appstore Softwares, which is estimated to bring in half a billion  $ in revenues to Apple real soon.
Via Engadget | More on OnlyGizmos