Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 releasing by month end! iPhone Killer??

So another Windows Mobile is coming to compete with the mighty iPhone! Will it suceed? Lets check out;

Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 vs  The Apple iPhone 3G

SE Xperia X1 strong points:

  1. Physical QWERTY Keyboard
  2. Better Camera
  3. Windows Mobile 6.1 with reworked touch interface
  4. Video Recording
  5. USB Mode

Apple iPhone 3G strengths:

  1. Swift Mac OS
  2. App Store
  3. iPod Music
  4. iPhone Touch Features (Unmatched)
  5. Handset memory 8GB / 16GB

I feel that both these handets appleas to different kind of users. You choose whichever is your style!