Apple Appstore nightmare for developers continue

mailwrangler1Getting good Apps on the App Store for the iPhone isn’t easy for developers. Every passing day more and more developers are complaining that their Apps were rejected, even if they increased the utility of the iPhone and provided more features then what the default iPhone App offers.

The most recent case being  ‘MailWrangler’ an App developed by Angelo DiNardi. Angelo complains that the App was not approved by Apple as it duplicated functionality of the iPhone’s inbuilt mailing system (i.e. According to Apple).

However Angelo mentions that: MailWrangler embedded Webkit in to the app and allowed logging to multiple Gmail accounts…. Using just the Apple Mail application you aren’t able to see threaded views, your google contacts, archive (quickly), star, etc without going through the hassles that are present when using Gmail’s IMAP on the iPhone.

Not sure if Apple is justified by not allowing such Apps, however one thing is sure; they are keeping the need for jailbreaking alive!

Also read Developers miffed over Apple’s AppStore Attitude!
