HangTime – Your adventures with the iPhone (App Store $0.99)


This new application on the App Store can tell you how long did your iPhone hung in the air before landing back on the floor in your hands. The application known as the HangTime uses the accelerometer to count the number of seconds your iPhone enjoyed that last flight in the air. The application took eight months to get approved for being listed on Apple’s App Store.

The app keeps a track of your adventures with the iPhone and gives you some competition factor. So far, one Tee Jay Green holds both the first and second position for the highest hang time of 5.95 and 4.01 seconds respectively. Total 39 phones have been tossed about 6000 times so far with total hang time of 1875 seconds.

If you wish to have your name in the brave hearts HERE, just buy this application from at 99 cents and start throwing your iPhone in the air. Just don’t forget to catch it back.