Would you believe that even iPad is not out yet, we are hearing that it can be jailbreaked, recently chronic devteam have updated that they are working on a project called greenpois0n which will jailbreak iPad. Greenpois0n will be released for Windows, Mac and Linux.
Chronic devteam’s p0sixninja has also posted the screenshot of greenpois0n. Though this is only screenshot of which is no big deal,because team is said to work on greenpois0n as soon as iPad is out. p0sixninja, in a tweet, has asked for donation to get him an iPad so that he may bring us an iPad jailbreak solution.
iPad jailbreak depends on how Apple patches exploits used to jailbreak. Cat n Mouse game is going on from last few years as Apple keeps on changing hardware and securing software to make it harder and harder for hackers to jailbreak firmware, though hackers have won so far. It was apparent when Apple patched the 24kpwn exploit in newer iPhone 3GS and iPod touch model. Since the new exploit found after 24kpwn exploit was patched, users have been stuck with tethered jailbreak.
Still we haven’t heard much from giants like iPhone devteam and Geohotz. Lets see how things go on with iPad….