One thing that took Apple iPhone ahead from its closest competitors is that Apple iPhone/iTouch is an amazing gaming mobile device. Game developers had fully utilised iPhone/iTouch’s motion sensor, Playing games on these devices gives an awesome experience. Now Apple has added gyroscope on its latest iPhone aka iPhone 4. Those of you dont know what gyroscope is? Well gyroscope is used for measuring or maintaining orientation, based on the principles of conservation of angular momentum. Gyroscope is a mechanical device which is not possible to port on iPhone 4, but there is a electronic chip called MEMS gyroscope which works on Gyroscope principles.

Tobe precise, with the addition of gyroscope on iPhone 4 will take the Motion gaming to the next level.If you are still confused the check the Steve Jobs keynote at WWDC where he demos iPhone 4’s gyroscope feature. Now we can expect a Ninetendo’s Wii 3D MotionPlus gaming experience on iPhone 4.
Check out this Video of wii MotionPlus gaming, same experience we can expect on iPhone 4 in coming future.