Apple today did a press conference on iPhone 4’s reception issue. They started with Apple iPhone 4 Antenna song then Mr Jobs sang all the positive points of iPhone 4. He showed video of Apple testing other smart phones from Nokia, Motorola, and RIM, showing the exact same behaviour as the the iPhone 4, dropping bars, when held a certain way.
He also showed their giant test room they use to test there phones. He agreed that iPhone 4 dropped bars and iPhone 4 is not only the one, other phones react in same manner which is normal. Apple software update that released earlier today will not fix the iPhone 4’s reception issue but the faulty algorithm that showed more bars even when the network was low. The big news however is the fact that everyone gets a free case (might be Bumper)
and since Apple cant make enough bumpers they would also give choices. Apple will have a choice of cases, starting next week. If you already purchased a Bumper, Apple will give you a refund. If you are still not satisfied then you can claim for full refund if your iPhone 4 is in good condition.
iPhone 4 Antenna song: