It seems that Steve Jobs went a little overboard criticizing the fragmentation issue on Android during the Q4 earnings call. One of the popular examples that Steve gave was of the popular twitter app developer Tweetdeck. Just to recap Jobs went on to say “Twitter client [TweetDeck] recently launched their app for Android. They reported that they had to contend with more than a hundred different versions of Android software on 244 different handsets. The multiple hardware and software iterations present developers with a daunting challenge.” However it seems that Tweetdeck isn’t happy with this and Tweetdeck CEO, Iain Dodsworth has refuted the claims by Jobs on twitter. Here is what he says:
Did we at any point say it was a nightmare developing on Android? Errr nope, no we didn’t. It wasn’t.
@dannysullivan yes exactly! We only have 2 guys developing on Android TweetDeck so that shows how small an issue fragmentation is
No matter what now, it seems that Apple has made a point and moved on. Lets see if Google fires some responses aswell. This looks far from over