That’s right Lenovo is joining the Tablet game. Yang Yuanqing, CEO Lenovo informed The Wall Street Journal that the company plans to launch a tablet computer named LePad next year in US. Next year when LePad arrives, we might already see Apple iPad 2, Samsung Galaxy Tab, BlackBerry PlayBook and HP Slate 500 soaring in the US markets at least. Yuanqing stated that the company ponders on whether to use Google Chrome OS for LePad. I’m sure bunch of prototypes might’ve been tested for some concrete conclusions.
Next year, all Tablets are going to have a big bar fight and we’ll get to see which one will be the last one standing. Most important feature in a Tablet that a consumer looks is it’s battery life and compatibility with their desktop/laptop based systems. If the touchscreen user interface is intuitive enough and several interesting apps are present then consider the tablet already sold.