Cydia Saw Max 4,177KHits On February 4 After The Release Of iOS 6.x JailBreak [Statistics]

Saurik, the creator of Cydia has tweeted the statistics of Cydia hits after the release of iOS 6.x JailBreak on February 4. On the same day, Cydia saw max 4,177KHits once iOS hackers announced that the evasi0n is available for download on the website. This is maximum traffic which Cydia has incurred in these couple of days. Prior that to that, Cydia was on a traffic hit which was even less than 1,000.

This tells you how many people had opened Cydia simultaneously, due to which it failed to fetch packages for everyone around the world. In fact even now, if you try to open Cydia and reload for the new packages, you might not be able to do it smoothly. This is because Cydia is under an intense traffic which has caused the servers to crash often. However, the traffic has decline a bit, but it’s not up to there yet to allow access to everyone without any error.


Saurik has also incorporated a new way for Cydia to function better by already providing the sources in the app after the iOS 6.x JailBreak. But it seems that even that method has failed to minimise traffic for certain people. In addition to default repositories, all the third party sources have been facing issues with servers due to the same reason.

Is Cydia working for your properly? Let’s know your thoughts in comment section below.


Update: Saurik has tweeted yet another statistics from February 5 which tells you an altogether different saga. Here, the traffic reached to 12,587KHits which is more than what we have seen earlier. Check the statistic graph below.


The unit of measurement used here is HTTP hits per 5 minutes.