It has been a while since the rules have been set by FAA limiting usage of electronic devices in flights during take off and landing to avoid interference to the signals received by the cockpit. With the rapid change in technology it is high time the FAA reevaluates their stand on banning electronics in flights during take offs. An official statement has been given out by FAA saying that they will be passing new rules and standards to allow electronic devices in flight during take off and landing. The major issue seems to be in standardising the rule across various category of devices and make sure the new set of rules will apply to future devices as well.
Senator Senator Clair McCaskill of Missouri state raised out her voice saying that when FAA is fine with Kindle to be used in flight which possess 3G and WiFi then why is FAA not allowing usage of other tablets like iPad? Recently most airlines even replaced the cockpit manuals with iPads which are being used throughout the journey.
Currently few devices allow usage of Airplane mode in the device that would shut down all wireless networks in the device but setting rules that would allow usage of few devices and ban a few would make it difficult to monitor the devices in flight. To avoid all these hassles the FAA is planning to set standards that would help device manufacturers implement the standards on their devices making it easier for users to use the device in flight.