An iPhone app that tells users 'How dangerous using iPhone is'

Israeli startup Tawkon have developed an iPhone application that tells iPhone users about the amount of radiation being emitted by the phone. While the developers defiantly are trying to cash-in on the ever increasing cellphone-radiation debate, Apple does not approve of their application.The application does not actually calculate the amount of radiation being emitted by the phone. It works on a predictive algorithm that actually predicts the amount of radiation the iPhone could be emitting at the moment. The predictions are based on the factors like the distance between your phone and the nearest cellphone tower, weather the phone is in standby or in calling mode, and even the iPhone version you own.

Apple rejected the application on the grounds that a predictive tool like this may create confusion among the iPhone users regarding the usability of the phone. The developers are continuing their petition for an AppStore approval. Outside the iPhone, the developers are also working on a similar application for Blackberry and Android.

via [iSmashPhone]