Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars (App Store $9.99 / free)

I used to play Grand Theft Auto : Vice City with my cousins on the comp all the time , but with the Chinatown Wars available on iPhone / iTouch. I frankly thought the handheld version will not make th same impact as when playing on a computer, I was clearly wrong and this game is kickarse on the iPhone as well.
I am not gonna take you through the story, we all know, it’s the awesome grades of tasks which make it worthwhile. The view is a behind the shoulder with 3D enabled graphics. Try out the Vehicle Camera Look – recommended. The inbuilt map GPS feature to track your whereabouts gives exact details once a new destination is tapped. The virtual buttons for gameplay is little tidy and need Practice to majnuover around. It’s a complete game, with dozens of hours of play from one task to another.

One of the key features is the inbuilt music which can be played while in gameplay from the game itself or from music library.
Try out the Lite (free) version , you might as well buy the app, it’s worth every penny.
Rating: 4.5/5

[iTunes Link]