Chorus: An application to search applications in the app store


When it comes to searching for good applications on the Apple iTunes App Store, users just end up with a list of ‘Top’ applications recommended by App Store. These top applications are determined on the basis of a number of downloads. Chorus is an iPhone application that recommends the right apps for you.

Chorus looks much like the App Store application, but the difference lies in the way Chorus recommends you an application. Chorus recommends applications that have been recommended by real people. The recommends could be your friends from Facebook, friends form Chorus, people near you or the AppMavens. AppMavens is the application review blogs and tech journalists.

With more than 100,000 applications to search from, Chorus might come in handy when you are not sure what would be your next application download from the App Store. The application is free to download from iTunes.
Via [Gizmodo]