AppStore: Wedict – Free Dictionary for the iPhone with 1,50,000 words

Wedict is a Free AppStore App. A dictionary covering 1,50,000 words. Originally available for the iPhone V1.1.x via Installer, this one is a good addition to the AppStore. WeDict gives English and Chinese results by default. However we still love the original V1.1.x version of Wedict as it allowed us to add Dictionaries through Installer itself, but the AppStore App of Wedict for iPhone v2.x dosn’t allow you to add new dictionaries which are available currently via Cydia!

And going for the WedictPro costs $8! However we suggest you take this free app as it is good enough.
UPDATE: Recently when I tried downloading wedict from AppStore it didn’t show up. I think the app has been removed from AppStore and now you can only get the paid app Wedict Pro. So there is also dictionaire app which is as good as Wedict