Mind reader magic trick on iPhone – iReadMinds on Appstore $0.99

The silly card trick that we saw earlier claimed to read your mind, this one IRead Minds, is exceptionally enjoyable and uses the iPhone features to execute the trick; and not just use some know trick based on some math. The game is pretty straightforward, it lets you play the trick on your friends. The performer places the iPhone face down on the table and asks the participant to choose any number between 1-9. When lifted the iPhone shows the same number as chosen by the participant.

The trick is breathtaking, and the thought behind it is mind blowing. But executing the trick would require some considerable practice. Basically the app lets you gesture the number chosen by the participant to the smart ACCELEROMETER of the iPhone. So while, lifting the iPhone, you need to signal the app as to what is the number!

We would have liked if there was an option to choose between 1-5 & 1-10, as that would have meant better execution and accuracy. Nevertheless this is a refreshing App as it is and this time the you wouldn’t regret the $0.99 paid.

