Call Controller via Cydia allows gestures to manage callers (Video Demo)

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Very similar to mCoolPhone this app is actually better. CallController uses the accelerometer to control your calls in amazing fashion. The reason why we rate this app better is that the gestures response much faster than mCoolphone and the app is also free (mCoolphone costs $2.99). Though it doesn’t have all the features that mcoolphone has but we hope to see more features coming up in the updates.

As you open the app, first go to the tabs and enter your settings for different gestures like while face down, flip Over’ and ‘Shaking’. These gestures can run multiple tasks like answering a call (only applicable for the shaking gesture), rejecting it, sending to voicemail and also mute Ringer. You can also choose to general settings and set your preferences like toggle in lock-screen and sending a instant message automatically when busy signal is sent. There is also an option in the general settings to detect the shaking acceleration. Video Downstairs.

Available via the BigBoss repository in Cydia; search for “CallController”