Analyst: Android to overtake iPhone in 2012

Google Android platform is backed by multiple manufacturers, just like Windows Mobile. However, iPhone has managed to catch the market early. While Android is going slow, iPhone has already become a trend-setter.

So would the Gphone catchup with the Apple iPhone?

Informa Telecoms & Media predicts that being open source and with no licensing cost, Android would gain momentum in the coming years. Such that it would outpace the iPhone by 2012. While this is decidedly much possible, since there would be dozens of Android devices out by then.

 I would undoubtedly take this as a threat to the iPhone if someone tells me that a particular Android model would beat the iPhone!! Say G5? We have just seen what Apple had for us in 2008. The Appstore took the whole industry by surprise and has become a casestudy for others. You honestly cannot predict what Apple would do in 3 years!.
