100 million 8 Gigabit chips ordered by Apple


New iPhones are being prepared for launch and Apple has ordered a 100 million 8Gb chips according to rumors from Taiwanese sources. This is double the quantity ordered by Apple last year. So much for the recession @ Apple…

These chips are put together during the manufacturing process to boost device capacities up to 32GB. 100 million 8 gigabit chips would mean a capacity of 12.5 million devices running 8GB memory. This would be equal to 2.25 million 16GB devices and 2 million 32GB devices. Considering that iPod’s, iPod Touch, iPhones all use this chip – the order size looks fair enough to us; but Digitimes claims that this order is enough to squeeze supply in the Asian markets. So shall we expect rates to shoot up?

Via Engadget