RIP: Palm Pre syncing with iTunes

The cat fight between Apple and Palm is very much on with Apple scoring in the iTunes syncing round. Palm smartly enabled the Pre to sync with Apple iTunes posing as an iPod device. At the same time, Apple countered this syncing with every new iTunes release. However, after, Palm approached the USB Implementers Forum to stop Apple from breaking the Pre-iTunes syncing, things have gone against Palm itself.

Apparently USB Implementers Forum believes that Apple is well within its rights to block the Palm Pre from syncing with its iTunes software. And going against Palm, it indicated that Pre violates the Forums rules by using an Apple term iPod / falsely posing as an iPod to sync with the iTunes.

All in all, we can forget about the Palm Pre syncing with the iTunes going further. Now that this small battle is officially over, can we move on to see some revolutionary and original products fighting with each other?

PS: Still waiting for the 3GS or the Pre to launch in India 🙁