Apple hates smokers!

SmokersCall it what you like, an attempt to wash hands on faulty hardware or extra care for its people; the latest news is that Apple is denying servicing Macbooks / iMacs belonging to smokers. They point out that nicotine is  biohazard and servicing systems that were exposed to too much smoke. The official words read as “health risks of second hand smoke”.

Interestingly Apples warranty contract doesn’t ban smokers as such, but they are pointing to OSHA’s (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) list that says nicotine is a bio hazard to decline warranties. So before, you invest 000’s of dollars on extended Apple care and latest Macs, be sure you keep that smoke away from your Apple Gizmo! And if we know right, the future is going to be tougher for warranty claims once Apple’s patent on gadget abuse being implemented.


Tip: The smart lighter that takes away all the smoke is probably what you need 🙂