MobileDashBoard lets you use Mac OS X widgets on your iDevice

MobileDashBoard MobileDashboard_Sticky

MobileDashboard is inspired by a Mac OS X application by name Dashboard which allows you run small applications on your desktop called widgets. MobileDashboard is basically a MobileSubstrate plugin which overlays Dashboard widgets on to your SpringBoard. Yeah this is great that now you can use your Mac OS X Dashboard widgets on your iDevices. MobileDashboard comes with few widgets like Sticky Notes, Clock, Digital Clock with Date, Stocks widget, Calculator and few more. Also, you can install other DasBoard widget, all you need to put them in “/var/mobile/Library/Widgets/”. You can download widgets from here according to your need.

MobileDashBoard_Calculator_DIGIClock MobileDashBoard_Clock
MobileDashBoard_Stocks MobileDashBoard_WidgetList

There are few issues that I encountered with it MobileDashboard like widgets are not that responsive, also sometimes I find it really hard to close my opened widgets (Well you can respring to close all widgets) which needs to be fixed soon.  Also, I find it hard to move my widgets on springboard.If these issues are fixed then it is great app, to go with.

MobileDashboard is available on cydia under BigBoss repo for $1.99, Once those issues are fixed then this app is worth to buy.