Pastebot clipboard manager on the iPhone / iPod touch


Apple has come a long way with the iPhone, and it seems like just yesterday when we were criticizing the Jesus phone for leaving out some basic features like copy / paste while giving us a great UI. OS 3.0 did bring us copy/paste and a whole lot more, but Pastebot takes things to the next level. The good part is that the app comes via the official iTunes store and costs just $2.

So what is Paste Bot – Command copy & paste? Pastebot is a powerful clipboard manager that stores text & images copied from your iPhone/iPod Touch. Organize, apply filters to, and copy clippings to be pasted or sent to other apps.  Don’t just use Copy & Paste. Command it! Isn’t that a great utility?

PasteBot Sync

Pastebot comes with a free sync app that can be downloaded from their website here. This app will run in the background on your mac and instantly sync any thing that you copy on your mac to your iPhone / iTouch. This works the other way around from the iPhone to your mac aswell. All over WiFi.