PreBrowser: Palm Pre browser comes to iPhone

I’ve used few browsers on iPhone, but none of them impressed me apart from default Safari. So I thought of giving a shot to PreBrowser, a Palm Pre themed tabbed browser, and I am loving it !. It is beautifully made and is so polished that you would fall in love with it. I love the UI and how it handles everything.  I mean not only browser UI is good but it works great too. The one thing that you would love about PreBrowser is the way it displays multiple tab windows, Window reflections are too good to view. We’ve compared its speed with Safari and its performance almost matched with Safari, which is great. I genuinely liked using it in Landscape view. It crashed few times while dealing with multiple tabs, but after that, it worked fine on my iPhone 3G.
Overall this is a cool browser and if you are bored with Safari then you must give it a shot.

PreBrowser is available on cydia under BigBoss repo for $1.99