Newsy: watch video news on iPhone/iTouch

Newsy is a multi-perspective online news source that analyzes world news and produces 2-to 3-minute, streaming video clips on iPhone. Newsy is the only news app of its kind that provides news in the form of short videos on the go. Newsy compares multiple news outlets from around the world (e.g. The New York Times, France 24, NDTV, Xinhua, Fox, The Guardian, and cover the whole day’s news and transform it on your iPhone inform of videos. You can also share your Newsy videos with friends via Twitter, facebook and Email.
Newsy’s interface is quite neatly designed and easy to use, Coverflow art is quite good, and you’d also love tilting your device to navigate through videos apart from flipping. Newsy is for those people who want to stay up to date, but don’t have the time to seek out multiple sources on their own.

Newsy is available on AppStore for free.