OS 4 beta confirms 720p HD video recorder in iPhone 4G

The definition of good video on a smartphone has evolved with iPhone competitors bringing in high res screens, HD video and super cameras. However it seems Apple is looking to strike back with the iPhone 4th generation. After the initial bunch of details leaked by the iPhone OS 4.0 beta 3 yesterday, we now have another delicious bit here. Two video presets discovered in the OS 4.0 Beta 3 reveal a 720p HD mode.


This goes in line with the rumor of the next iPhone being called ‘HD’. Apart from a 720p video capability the stills from the next iPhone is expected to be at 5 megapixel. The wait till WWDC 2010 is getting more and more exciting by the day!

This could open the door to some interesting apps including Video Capture/Editing and more robust Augmented Reality apps when iPhone OS 4 finally becomes available to the public. Via MacRumors