Official: its Samsung's Super AMOLED vs the iPhone 4 Retina Display

It seems that Steve Jobs has started a war of words between AMOLED technology and the iPhone 4’s Retina Display (with IPS). Apple released the 4th generation of its iPhone a couple of days back and left the world stunned with its 326 ppi (960×640 resolution) Retina Display. Apple claimed that the retina display surpasses the human eyes capacity to resolve the pixels. However Samsung has put out a statement to differ with Apple here. According to Samsung spokesperson increasing the display resolution (quadrupling in iPhone’s case) would only increase the clarity by 3 – 5% and rest all is “spec exaggeration”.

According to Samsung, the IPS technology cannot catchup with OLED and the Apple Retina Display consumes 30% more battery! Supporting the claim of spec exaggeration, Raymond Soneira,Founder, President and CEO of DisplayMate technologies has been quoted as saying that Apple’s claim of the 326ppi display being beyond human eyes distinction is true only when the display is held 1.5 feet away. Now that’s certainly a good enough case in favor of AMOLED coming up and guess we shall have to wait for the Samsung Galaxy S and the iPhone 4 to hit the stores before we have a proper comparison.

Via Intomobile