iPhone 4 Reception issue: Legal Investigation firms on a rise

Looks like more and more law firms are coming up to address the Apple’s iPhone 4 reception issue. Firms like The Kershaw, Cutter & Ratinoff Legal Firm have taken up this issue quite seriously and are urging the iPhone 4 customers, who have experienced the reception problem in their new device, to let them know about it via chat, email and instant messaging and they will take up the issue against the Apple on the grounds of law.

These firms have dealt with high profile class-action lawsuits in the past. But the guys on the forum were not happy and found that these law firms are trying to cash in on the customer issues and are doing it purely for their profit concern and not for special customer concerns. Apple too is experienced with settlements of such issues as they had dealt with one lawsuit in regards to iPod nano in the past. Since Apple is working on the issue and guarantees customer satisfaction, I don’t think the law firms can do any damage to Apple, can they?
