After a long time I have put on my hacker hat today and sat down to jailbreak / unlock an iPhone 3G. While sn0wbreeze is smooth with iOS v4.1, I had a silly issue that wasted a few hours for me. Everytime after restoring the custom firmware, my non AT&T SIM throws an error “Different SIM Detected”. I used the phonebook hack to get in and tried to install the pushinfo hack, but that isn’t supported on v4.1. So back to square one, I ended up diagnosing that I used Snowbreeze 2.01 and this issue has been addressed in sn0wbreeze release v 2.0.2. So if you are stuck in a similar situation, just get yourself sn0wbreeze 2.0.2 here and run the entire process again
Download: sn0wbreeze 2.0.2